
Pods Maintenance Release 2.6.1

We are releasing Pods 2.6.1, with fixes for REST API and Taxonomy Types (thank you @anandamd),  updating Select2 Library to the current release, and fixing the restrictions on file type uploads for more than one mime type. This release also includes:

New Current Context Selection in Single Item Widget
New Current Context Selection in Single Item Widget
  • Additional Label Support from WP 4.4 and WP 4.3 for Post Types and Taxonomies.
  • Adding new ‘Use Current post or term’ option for Pods Single Item Widget. Now you can use this widget to dynamically grab the post ID from the Singular detail page for a post (or term id for Taxonomy archive) and the single item widget will pass that ID to into the widget results (custom Template or Pods Template). This is great for dynamically showing detail about the current post when you have no idea what the post ID would be, but you want to show things that are related to the current post or information on the specific post.
  • Multiple minor fixes in multiple locations for PHP7 (PHP 7.0 core issue, fixed in 7.0.x)
  • Tested compatibility and fixed issues with the upcoming WP 4.5 release (April): get_currentuserinfo() was deprecated for wp_get_current_user()

As always you can read the entire changelog for this release at: