
Introducing Pods JSON API

Today we released a beta version of a plugin that implements the WordPress REST API plugin WP-API for Pods. Our new plugin, PODS JSON API adds new end points that allow access to various methods in the Pods and Pods API classes when using WP-API. This plugin may be merged into Pods itself in the future …

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Pods 2.0 Alpha 11 is out if you’re…

Pods 2.0 Alpha 11 is out, if you’re wondering where all the other alpha versions went, they were here and gone in a flash as I’ve been committing fixes and features like crazy this weekend!

Latest big ticket item that @mpvanwinkle and I have been working on since this past Fall has been the Meta box integration for Post Types, Taxonomies, Media, Users, and Comments. In the latest alpha, we’ve now got integration into each one of those forms (both add and edit!). It’s dynamic, so any field you create for your pods that are integrated with those objects will appear in the corresponding object’s forms. Storage is meta only right now, working on getting further support for the Pods table-based storage for each of the objects.

Form UI work will be progressing further this week as @mikedamage will be working on it heavily. We’ll be working on getting that done and pushed into an upcoming 2.0 alpha for both admin and front (theme-side) forms.

Get in on the alpha today and check it all out, provide feedback, and of course test 😉

Pods 2.0 Alpha Testing

Pods 2.0 Alpha Testing

Current Alpha Version: 35 (08/07/2012) How to Install First, Grab the ZIP on our GitHub, extract the contents of the “pods-framework-pods-XXXXX” folder inside and upload it into a new folder located at wp-content/plugins/pods-2.0/ (Use pods-2.0 as the folder name instead of just ‘pods’ in order to allow you to flip between Pods 1.x and 2.0 during testing) …

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