
That’s the end of the tutorial and its time for you to customize and extend this code to meet your needs. I give some ideas for taking this further, but I’d love to know what you come up with. Whatever it is, share the results and the code.

Even More Options

Your imagination is the limit here. You could create a structured directory that organized users by location, or age, or any other field. In your users list you could show the user’s name, and have their information display in a modal window when their name is clicked on. You could add an option to contact the user or display posts from their personal websites via RSS. If you had a Pod of image galleries, you could have added a relationship field, relating the image galleries to users and use them to display pictures of the user or their work. Most importantly, because Pods extends users in the same way it extends WordPress objects like post types, including posts, pages, media, comments, custom post types, etc. with only a few changes this tutorial could be made to work with any of those objects. For example, you could have added the same fields to a custom post type called “Businesses” or “Locations” and shown the fields in a template called “archive-businesses.php” or “archive-location.php.” Your code for showing the fields would be nearly identical, just substituting get_post_meta for get_userdata.

The End

That’s all folks. If you have any additional questions, please bring them up on our Support Forums or Slack Chat. Also if you have make something cool out of any of the code examples please consider forking the code example gist from Josh Pollock to share them.