
Requesting feedback: Pods 2.0 file column

Hey all, so I’ve been working on the front end for the new Form Manager / API / UI and by far my biggest hangup is a fork in the road (as I see it currently) regarding the file column. As it stands it’s quite elegant as far as other WordPress plugins are concerned, but I’m looking to really boost it’s viability this time around.

The biggest ‘fork’ part at this time for me is SWFUpload. Right now, the file column is using SWFUpload to as gracefully as possible give feedback as to the progress of the upload. I really like that part, but I don’t love SWFUpload.

I took some time to poke around and have come to the conclusion that we should either stick with SWFUpload to stick to WordPress-adopted implementations, or strip everything out and go with a generic file input. Should we switch to a file input, I’d like to, at some point, provide a Package (or column option) that facilitates using SWFObject as WordPress does, but I’d like some feedback on whether or not you’d be a fan of going with a generic file input.

My major concern here is feasibility with publicForm, something that so far seems to go unnoticed by many Pods users, but it’s supremely useful for those new(ish) to PHP. Should we use a file input (and not worry about SWFUpload) it’d be much more integrated into your front ends when compared to using a WP admin-styled SWFUpload button.

I’m thinking out loud a lot about the issue and would absolutely like to chat about it here for a while as I continue work on the rest of the front end. Right now the biggest drawback for me should we go with a file input instead of SWFUpload is the lack of UI feedback as to upload progress.

Other plans for the file column though, could ideally benefit from a file input as far as adding ordering, duplication, and the like. I haven’t thought that far ahead but SWFUpload seems as though it may complicate things along the way.

Feedback more than welcome, please leave your thoughts and let’s have an encompassing discussion!